NTSA car besides Mbagathi road |
For the third consecutive day NTSA have continued with their Matatu crackdown along Mbagathi Road targeting public transport vehicles that have violated the transport act.
The officer in charge of the operation has said that most matatus have exceeded the stipulated measure of the right they were given on decorating their Matatus alternatively best known as 'pimping'. The officer added and said
"some matatus are tinting all the windows in the matatus until the windscreen but when you stop them they argue that they have not violated any laws. Others play music that makes you partially deaf when you alight the matatu but still plead to be innocent why dont we follow the traffic rules and the law and we wont be forced to undertake crackdowns." He said.
In a move to show their displease with the crackdown Rongai drivers and touts yesterday blocked Mbagathi road in the afternoon in hope that they would discourage NTSA from continuing with their crackdown. Upto now the government has not come out clear and given a report on what is actually okay and what is excess when it comes to pimping of the Matatus and most people are wondering if it is the art that they want to kill or is there a secret agenda linked to the matatu commonly known as Ma3....
One of the matatus that has been pulled out of the road with NTSA |
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